Thursday, 8 March 2012

Au Revoir Australie et Bonjour Paris

In only a fews weeks now, we'll be saying, "Au revoir Australie" and "Bonjour Paris!"

We'll be away for a while and I know we'll miss its beauty......
those beautiful beaches....
the bush.....

and lovely Brisbane...our home city.
Of course I'll miss my garden and those rusty balls...
But....I'll be swapping my garden balls for those gleaming Parisian silver balls in the Palais Royale......
The Palais's on the top of my list when we arrive on 1 April.  I think it's one of the most beautiful spaces in Paris.
It's always calm there..........we'll wander through the lime trees, perch on one of Daniel Burren's sculptures, stroll along the collonades for some seriously posh window-shopping, and peut-etre/perhaps take a little detour into the fabulous Serge Lutens Salon
Those fab Daniel Burren columns
Serge's lovely little perfume samples
Galerie Vivienne....home to a spectacular wine bar.
A quick dash to Legrand for un vin rouge.
And perhaps at the end of the day.........we'll pop around the corner and head to our favourite wine bar in Gallerie Vivienne, Legrand Filles et Fils and just chill!'ll be hard to say au revoir to Australia.............but I know we'll never be bored in Paris!

Maintenant only vingt-trois/23 sleeps to go!

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  1. How exciting! Not long now.
    I would leave comments more often, but this system makes it a nuisance. Complain to blogspot about the process!!!!!

    1. I always love receiving your comments Debra as often as you can make them...but yes...I agree that the process is a drag...I'll contact blogspot to see if they can make things easier. Ciao.

  2. Gosh Robyn the count down is really on!!! So excited for you and Peter.
    As always, another inspirational blog. Jude

  3. comme je te comprends!!!! i miss so must Australia.... one of the most beautiful country ever and so cute people... and the landscape is just amazing!!!!! bon retour en France...

  4. How lovely of you to visit mon blog....merci beaucoup! France et le gens francais......c'est superb!! J'adore votre blog!!

  5. What a marvelous picture story! My heart beats faster just thinking of your grand adventure and all that awaits you on April 1!!! And Galerie Vivienne is SUCH a wonderful spot! We'll be there in July and I must find your wine bar. Perhaps I'll bump into you there!!

    1. Merci beaucoup Dawne...Paris in July will be will Le Grand! A bientot!
