Past the iconic Pellegrinis, I headed down a hidden laneway to my favourite, ever so chic Melbournian bolt hole....Blonde Venus.
Hayden was there...charming as ever.
I remarked on the colours, the textures, the designs, the beauty….a row of the blackest of blacks, punctuated with saturated colour….
vivid fuchsia +
vermillion stripes on black wool + a single
jonquil yellow sleeve on black wool jersey +
midnight lace + some splendid refashioning of vintage Japanese silks.
Swoonful….in the extreme!
The designs were pure and flattering.....the cut, sharp and seductive….but as Hayden reminded me…."It's all about the fabric….it all starts with the fabric". Indeed!
Who said Melbourne was all black? |
Pure gorgeousness at Blonde Venus, Melbourne |
It was all exceedingly gorgeous so it was easy to succumb… fact, the 40th anniversary made it essential!
And then next door….to another chic 'hole in the wall', Gallery Funaki….exhibiting "PRIME", Warwick Freeman's sculptural adornments.
Angled stone slices, spheres, cubes and delicate discs of jasper, lapis lazuli, and other ancient stones….solid stone chokers + 'painted' brooches + blackened silver cuffs coated with precious stone dust were displayed on a central white bench. Textural/smooth/spare/elegant….that was "PRIME".
Pure gorgeousness....Warwick Freeman's "PRIME" at Gallery Funaki |

I think Peggy (G) would certainly have approved.... "painted" cuffs of ancient stone and silver!
It was a day worth celebrating….and so after a slow stroll under those Melbournian cumulous clouds....we sat back and let the beautiful
Cumulus Inc. people delight us!
Yes, it was a very fine day....under cumulus clouds et al.
Chic bolt holes + gorgeous adornments + Melbourne…..just fabulous!
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